Beispiele aus Textkorpus für evangel-
1. Joseph Cook and Ariela Ruiz, students at Evangel University in Missouri, enjoyed a day of shopping and sight–seeing on the recommendation of the concierge at their hotel.
2. Christ Community Church, a nondenominational church founded in 1'81 and associated with Evangel Fellowship International, lists Russia as one of its short–term missions on its web site.
3. Voting yesterday at Evangel Cathedral in Upper Marlboro, father and son Melvin and Chris Spencer said they had voted for Edwards, feeling it was time for a change in their representation.
4. Michael Sollers, pastor of Evangel Temple Assembly of God, said most of the town supported the council‘s decision to keep fighting the case and would be willing to help pay the legal fees.
5. "When you put together the biblical mandate to care for the alien and the receptivity of the Latino community to the evangel, to the gospel, you have a sensitivity factor that almost outweighs the traditional evangelical concern for law and order." Some predominantly white evangelical groups, such as the Christian Coalition and Phyllis Schlafly‘s Eagle Forum, have strongly opposed the Kennedy–McCain bill, labeling it an "amnesty" package.